Gleitschirm Direkt

Set: "Papillon RAQOON"


This Set includes: Papillon Gleitschirm Raqoon, Woody Valley Gurtzeug Wani 3, Independence Rettung NG light, NEO Flughelm Hexagon

4.490,00 €
5.565,00 €
* All prices incl. tax, plus shipping

Set "RAQOON"Individual price
ParagliderPapillon Raqoon3.495 €
HarnessWoody Valley Wani 31.150 €
RescueADVANCE SQR prime920 €
Total 5.565 €
Set price4.490 €

This set includes: The Paraglider Papillon Raqoon, the reversible harness Woody Valley Wani 3, the rescue ADVANCE SQR prime.

0%-Financing possible

Papillon Paragliders
Papillon Paragliders

Start weight [kg]55-7060-8580-9585-105100-120120-140
Flat area [m²]2325,528,53031,535
Projected area [m²]19,11921,19723,69124,93826,18429,51
Flat wingspan [m]10,72411,29211,93712,24712,5513,323
Projected wingspan [m]8,2738,7119,2099,4499,68210,278
Flat AR555555
Projected AR3,583,583,583,583,583,58
Chord: Center/ Wingtip [m]2,550 / 0,7212,686 / 0,7692,849 m / 0,8052,913 m / 0,8233,008 / 0,8503,186 / 0,901
V-Trim [km/h]~ 37-39~ 37-39~ 37-39~ 37-39~ 37-39~ 37-39
V-Max [km/h]52 +52 +52 +52 +52 +52 +
Bridle height [m]6,6497,0017,4017,5937,7818,26
No. of Cells363636363636
Glider weight [kg]3,453,753,954,254,554,85
Bridle length [m]243256269279286304
Line diameter [mm]0,95 / 1,2 / 1,65
1,8 / 2,0
0,95 / 1,2 / 1,65
1,8 / 2,0
0,95 / 1,2 / 1,65
1,8 / 2,0
0,95 / 1,2 / 1,65
1,8 / 2,0
0,95 / 1,2 / 1,65
1,8 / 2,0
0,95 / 1,2 / 1,65
1,8 / 2,0
Speed system / trimmerYes / NoYes / NoYes / NoYes / NoYes / NoYes / No
Paramotor Certification      Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes

Papillon RaqoonPapillon RaqoonPapillon Raqoon
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