The Yeti tandem is an ultralight tandem glider, suitable not just for hike ‘n fly adventures, but also for fun flights with family and friends and even commercial flights where a lighter wing is preferred. Now in 2 sizes, you are sure to find the right size for your weight and use case.
- smooth inflation in all wind conditions
- excellent performance over the entire speed range
- super stable even with trim open (Size 37 EN A rated)
- well-damped pitch control in strong conditions
- good climbing ability
- great passive safety compared to the level of performance
Fun, unlimited
The size 37 is ideal for pilots who fly with their families, with a minimum total weight of 90kg even small children can be accomodated. Naturally, the smaller size will suit hike ‘n fly pilots too.
For pros who demand light
The size 41 is particularly suited for commercial pilots who wish to use a lightweight wing and for heavier pilots and passengers.
- Manufacturer
- EN
- A
Gin Seok Song shares the design story of the Yeti Tandem:
Gin explains: "More and more commercial tandem pilots want to enjoy the benefits of lightweight wings and the Yeti Tandem 3 is aimed at these pilots. Besides this, many general pilots simply like to fly tandem with family and friends. We wanted to make a very easy wing for these pilots that would be both fun to fly and convenient to transport.
Our aim was to make the flying experience as close as possible to that of flying a solo wing. The improved 2nd generation EPT (Equalised Pressure Technology) profile makes take-off easier than ever before. Inflation is effortless and the wing stops above your head without shooting. Getting airbourne is super fast, no need to run a lot. Forward or reverse launches are equally stress-free, just give a gentle pull and off you go.
In the air, the wing has a compact feel with soft yet precise handling – you will want to fly for hours and the excellent glide performance means you can really cover some distance.
Longer flights are also much less tiring due to the shorter risers, which mean the pilot’s arms are closer to the brake handles.
Many pilots want to fly with their kids these days so we made sure that the Yeti Tandem flies really well also at lower weights in the weight range. The long 10cm trim also allows a great deal of flexibility to fly comfortably at different wing loadings and in a variety of flying conditions.
Using technology trickled down from our other recent wings, we also improved the passive security and this is reflected in the EN A certification.
The glider even feels like a solo wing when you transport it. Using lightweight construction techniques and production methods, we were able to achieve a glider weight of just 4.8kg, almost a kilo lighter than its predecessor and more compact than many standard solo wings."
SIZE | 37 | 41 |
Flat area [m²] | 37 | 40.95 |
Flat span [m] | 14.07 | 14.80 |
Flat aspect ratio | 5.35 | 5.35 |
Projected area [m²] | 31.26 | 34.60 |
Projected span [m] | 11.08 | 11.66 |
Projected aspect ratio | 3.97 | 3.93 |
Chord [m] | 3.24 | 3.41 |
Number of cells | 49 | 49 |
Glider weight [kg] | 4.8 * | 5.4 * |
Weight range [kg] | 90-190 | 120-208 |
Certification | EN A | EN B |
* Quoted weight with light Dyneema risers, for size #41 with Kevlar risers add 180g
- optimiertes Profil mit Wave Leading Edge Technologie für mehr Leistung bei hohen Anstellwinkeln
- Zweileiner mit effektiver B-Steuerung
- unummantelte Aramid-Leinen mit optimierten Durchmessern
- Speedsystem mit Harken Umlenkrollen
- farbcodierte Stabiloleine zur einfachen Erkennung
- Mini-Ribs und Raffsystem an der Hinterkante
- semileichtes Myungjin- und leichtes Porcher-Gewebe als idealer Kompromiss zwischen Haltbarkeit und geringem Gewicht

- Inner bag
- Light spreaders
- Compression strap
- GIN stickers
- Repair kit