This tandem, EN-B certified, is meant to take-off from everywhere and to take you anywhere! Easy to launch, gentle handling, and a smooth landing: a must-have for your mountaineering adventures in duet!
Construction & Features
- As for the new UFO, the lines are unsheathed Aramid but color-coded! Solidity has never been so easy to untangle.
- Releasing the trimmers allows a good speed increase to further improve its amazing ability to flare and land smoothly.
- The use of Nitinol rods not only saves weight and increases robustness, it also allows a super compact folding… To always slip it into your rucksack.
- Leading edge and trailing edge are with mylar-border band. This ensures a structural consistency for not changing the wing’s flying behaviors.
- Manufacturer
- Airdesign
- EN
- B
Technical Features
- Superlight: Superlight construction, but no compromise on material quality and overall durability, only the lightest, but the very best. For light gear junkies but also for everyday use.
- Nitinol Rods: To improve glider packing, reduce glider weight while optimizing sail tensions, Nitinol rods are used in the leading edge. Nitinol has shape memory and super elastic nickel titanium alloy allowing strong deformations without being bent or damaged. La compatibilité du lecteur d’écran est activée.
- 3D-Cut: All panels designed and cut according to state-of-the-art 3D technologies to improve profile consistency and control ballooning deforming, reduce wrinkles on 3D-formed shapes with soft materials. Cleaner surface is more performance.
- Unsheathed Lines (colored): Air-Design is only using the best grades of Edelrid aramid lines. Smooth handling on the ground, strong, highly durable, and dimensionally stable. Linesets are designed and dimensioned to last as long as your glider with proper handling.
- Superlight Dyneema Risers: Taurus Dyneema rope is used for clean, easy to read and use, and dimensionally stable Superlight risers. Saves around 200g compared to Race Aramid risers.
- Superlight trimmers
Technical Data
UFO-Bi | |
Area | Flat [m²] | 30,24 |
Area | Projected [m²] | 25,62 |
Span | Flat [m] | 12,26 |
Span | Projected [m] | 9,68 |
Aspect ratio | 4,97 |
Aspect ratio | Projected | 3,66 |
Cells | 27 |
Total line length [m] | 465 |
Weight [kg] | 2,83 |
Certified takeoff weight [kg] | 130-190 |
LFT/EN Certification | EN-B |
- Porcher Skytex 27 classic II – Double coated
- Top lines: Edelrid 8001/U-070, 090
- Middle lines: Edelrid 8001/U-130, 190
- Main lines: Edelrid 8001/U-190, 230, 280
Riser: EDELRID Taurus – ~3,7mm Dyneema Rope
Maillons: 4,3mm JOO-TECH/Korea

- Glider
- Airpack 50/50
- Goodies
- Repairmaterials and AirDesign stickers