Gleitschirm Direkt

Set: "Phi SYMPHONIA 2"


This set contains: Phi paraglider Symphonia 2, Advance harness Success 5, Independence rescue NG light, Supair helmet Pilot

5.723,00 €
6.895,00 €
* All prices incl. tax, plus shipping

Set "SYMPHONIA 2"Individual price
ParagliderPHI Symphonia 2
4.450 €
HarnessAdvance Success 5
1.330 €
ReserveIndependence NG light
990 €
HelmetSupair Pilot
125 €
Total 6.895 €
Set price5.723 €

The PHI Symphonia 2 sets new standards in safety / performance!

Also included in the set: the comfort harness Success 5 from Advance, the reserve NG light von Independence and the helmet Supair Pilot.

0%-Financing possible


SYMPHONIA 2182022232426
number of cells505050505050
projected span [m]8.188.598.999.199.409.76
projected area [m²]18.2420.0822.0223.0424.0525.93
projected aspect ratio3.673.673.673.673.673.67
flat span [m]10.5211.0411.5611.8112.0812.54
flat area [m²]21.5423.7226.0027.1728.4030.62
flat aspect ratio5.
line length [m]6.276.586.897.047.207.48
total line length [m]218.30229.10239.90250.7250.70260.30
maximum chord [m]2.552.672.802.932.933.04
minimum chord [m]0.600.630.660.690.690.72
weight [kg]4.104.304.504.64.704.95
certified weight range [kg]55-7565-8575-9583-10390-110105-130
ext. weight range motor [kg]55-13065-13075-17090-17090-170105-170
certification [EN/LTF]AAAAAA
materialsPorcher 32, Porcher 38Porcher 32, Porcher 38Porcher 32, Porcher 38 Porcher 32, Porcher 38Porcher 32, Porcher 38
risers3+13+13+1 3+13+1
speedway [mm]150150150175175175

Phi Symphonia 2Phi Symphonia 2Phi Symphonia 2Phi Symphonia 2
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