Gleitschirm Direkt

navITer Oudie N


For your optimal flight planning with current weather information

from 879,00 €
* All prices incl. tax, plus shipping

With Oudie N, you can take your flying to the next level. Gone are the days of relying on outdated weather information and cumbersome flight planning tools. Oudie N provides live, up-to-the-minute data and seamlessly integrates with SeeYou to bring you a complete cockpit solution. With Oudie N, you can focus on the joy of flying, while staying safe and informed. So why settle for less when you can soar with Oudie N?

Features and Benefits

  • Crystal clear, sunlight-readable display
  • Exceptional battery life even at full brightness
  • Precise and instantly responsive vario
  • Incredibly detailed worldwide maps
  • Fanet+ version for increased safety and awareness
  • Easy to use SeeYou Navigator software
  • Wifi, Bluetooth and 4G/LTE connectivity
  • Optimize cross-country and competition tasks to perfection
  • Scan QR codes instead of entering data manually
  • No internet connection? No problem with Offline maps
  • Charge your phone after landing from Oudie N
  • Free software updates
Two versions, one platformOUDIE NOUDIE N FANET+
Very easy to read display
Battery runtime16-64 h15-60 h
Memory64 GB64 GB
Visibility for glider pilots
Online trackingnur OGNHybrid = Fanet+Flarm+OGN
Visibility Buddiesnur OGNHybrid = Fanet+OGN

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