Gleitschirm Direkt



In sports flying PMR radios are commonly used. They are cheap, can be used royalty-free and enable reliable communication over several kilometers. During XC flights a radio is recommended to get in touch with airfields.

Midland EP21 Earphones
Midland EP21 Earphones
16,90 €
Midland G7 Pro Funkgerät, Single, 8 Kanäle Midland G7 Pro Funkgerät, Single, 8 Kanäle
Midland G7 Pro Funkgerät, Single, 8 Kanäle
84,90 €
Hands-free helmet kit Albrecht BHS-300 + CHS-300
38,00 €
Albrecht BHS 300K Kenwood Basic Kit and Albrecht CHS-300 motorcycle helmet mounting kit with adhesive pad - microphone.
Basisset BHS-300U für Fremdgeräte Basisset BHS-300U für Fremdgeräte
Basisset BHS-300U für Fremdgeräte
19,00 €
Midland G9 Pro PMR/LPD Midland G9 Pro PMR/LPD
Midland G9 Pro PMR/LPD
99,00 €
Midland A21M Mikrofongarnitur
Midland A21M Mikrofongarnitur
21,90 €
Midland XT30 PMR446 single Midland XT30 PMR446 single
Midland XT30 PMR446 single
35,00 €
Midland XT50 2-er Set Midland XT50 2-er Set
Midland XT50 2-er Set
85,90 €
Albrecht CHS-300
Albrecht CHS-300
19,00 €
Albrecht CHS-300 motorcycle helmet mounting kit with adhesive pad - microphone.
Basisset BHS-300N für Midland Basisset BHS-300N für Midland
Basisset BHS-300N für Midland
19,00 €